Saturday, August 9, 2014

Tormented by jersey

So, this dress actually worked out pretty well in the end, but those who follow me on Instagram will understand the torment that I'm talking about. Let's start with the fabric. It is the most beautiful, vibrant printed jersey from Mood. But it is also very heavy, something I really should have taken into account when planning this make. I'm still very much in love with the fabric, but I just think I chose the wrong style of dress for it's weight.


I started out with intentions of making a near identical replica of my tie dye dress, but with long sleeves for the Fall. Those who see me everyday are probably sick of the sight of my tie dye dress, but it is seriously so comfortable and swishy that I am helpless to resist it's sherbetty goodness each time I open my wardrobe. It's made from a similar feeling jersey, but much lighter in weight.

So I began making my new dress by cutting the sleeves, but straight ones suddenly felt too boring. I decided to play around with a flared, graduated elbow length shape instead. But when I attached them, they looked a bit hippy for me. So I cut those ones off and shortened them to what you see now, but not before experimenting with a bit of silk chiffon blocking. This actually looked great, but my silk scraps were too small and my arms would have needed amputation if I wore them for more than an hour. Truth be told, I think I was just having a finicky, impossible-to-please-me kind of day.

So, in the end, I settled on the short sleeves and finally decided to attach the floor length gathered skirt. It was pretty, but it was me anyway...why am I so fickle! I was looking at a very lovely bowl of creamy ice cream, but I was craving some kind of Heston Blumenthal frozen foam, which seriously wasn't going to happen with a piece of jersey. In any case, I didn't have to struggle too hard on my decision to unpick the skirt, because the  fabric was too heavy for the bodice anyway. 

So off came the gathered skirt and out came Alice (my dressmakers dummy). I draped that skirt within an inch of it's life, until I had the assymetrical look you see now. I still think that there's a bit too much weight on one side of the skirt so I may shorten it a little more, and hack at the innards a bit. But it is wearable, and I really love the asymmetrical drape that I ended up with. I'd also really love to know how I did it in the end...


  1. I never would have chosen a dress like that for me (I'm the boring type) - But on you it's superb! You are so aware of who YOU are. You are really talented in all ways!
    Wish you lived next door!

    1. Oh thanks Marge! You are too kind. I feel like sewing has been so instrumental in helping me find my own sense of style ;-).

  2. :) i really love how it turned out! and what an interesting story about how it happened to look that way.. i had finicky impossible-to-please-me kind of a day too, and ended up ruining perfectly fine dress when i decided it's too long (now it's so damn short that if i raise my arms, my ass falls out)

    1. Thank you! Sorry to hear about your day...I feel your pain. Hopefully you can still salvage it ;-)

  3. I wish all tormented garments turned put so well. Not just well, but perfect!

  4. Nice save! I really like it. I'd probably trip on the floor length side though!!

    1. Thanks Leith! Me too! It may still get the chop ;-)

  5. Glad you got "Alice" out the draped skirt is lovely.

  6. well, you won, for sure. it may not be what you wanted but it's super cool. and i love your finicky theory-- i think you're exactly right, that mood applies to sewing as well as food...people... when it strikes that's all she wrote!

  7. That fabric is ah-mazing! Wow! I love it and it's too bad that it is too heavy for what you wanted, but it does look stunning now! I seem to be really fickle when sewing too. ;-)

  8. I love that dress, the skirt part if perfect. I just finished a dress from the same fabric and you are right it is heavy but I love it.

  9. Check you and your epic improv skills! This is one of those great saves/serendipitous makes. I'd chalk this up as a win :D

  10. Such a striking dress! I love the asymmetry and I love you style.
