Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Oliver + S Ice Cream dress for Miss Six

I rarely purchase quilting weight cottons, but this fabric just jumped into my shopping cart a few weeks ago. It's from Hawthorne Threads and such a delightful little border print.

The dress is a modified version of the Oliver + S Ice Cream dress. I just skipped the dress panels and pockets so I could make use of the border print better. I sewed it up in a size 6 for my tall Miss Six. I can't comment on the length of the dress pattern because I modified this bit to my own taste. But I can tell you that the width fits beautifully and once again, the design of this dress is just spot on.



  1. Your girls are so adorable! Love the dress, too. Looks great on Miss 6!

  2. OOPS - from, Marge

  3. what a sweet dress! i actually love the quilting cottons for unlined kids dresses. they're very hard wearing!

    1. Thanks Lisa! Quilting cottons are fab. They are all I used to buy a few years ago, but now I am too selfish and just use my scraps on my kids. It was good to remember how lovely they are. I'm looking forward to having some more fun with pretty prints for my girls.

  4. This dress is just delightful. And frankly I feel quilting cottons are perfect for kids clothing. They tend to wear extremely well and have such cute prints. Your little one is gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Jillian. I agree with you on quilting cottons. I completely overdosed on them when I first learnt to sew and haven't been able to go near them for a few years. Loving rediscovering them!

  5. I have loved this pattern for awhile now :) It is so cute and playful. I think you did a great job with the boarder print, it looks fantastic! K had outgrown her size 7 I made 2 years ago and sadly I had cut the pattern out. But I picked it up again this week because she's been begging for more of them! Thanks for the reminder that I need to get sewing those!

  6. Oh, what beautiful fabric and perfect use for it. (Your lovely daughter looks so much like you!)
