Friday, August 29, 2014

Getting started early

I've been checking a few items off Santa's list lately. I know, I know, it's still stinking hot and we are nearly four months away from the big day, but I've got a good reason to start so early. The House of Iles has three birthdays plus Christmas to celebrate in the space of two months. It will also be our first Christmas in our new country, so we have absolutely no Christmas gear whatsoever.

Adding to the excitement of a possible white Christmas, is the fact that we have a proper fireplace. It was also brought to my attention that there were already four little hooks above it. Naturally, Mrs Santa had to set about creating some little Christmas stockings. I chose a small selection of Christmas prints at Jo-Ann and let the girls choose the combinations that they liked best. The rest of the construction was done in secret. They will be packed away now until Christmas Eve. 

I appliqued the first letter of their names on the stockings so there would be no mind changing or arguments down the track. Miss Six will no doubt want to know how Santa knows which stocking is whose. I had just enough fabric to make an extra stocking for Daddy too.

I also put on my sensible shoes and made the girls some flannelette PJ pants for Christmas. This was a seriously easy production line whiz bang bam on the serger. I used M6633 and made up a size 3, 5, and 6. I measured my girl's waists to customise the elastic length. I know the pants will fit, but they still look quite large to me. I'm not too worried though. They will still be soft and warm. I have to admit that it was quite fun choosing a pretty print specifically to suit each girl's taste. They are all so very different.

Hands up anyone else who is thinking about getting their Christmas skates on. Surely I'm not the only crazy lady out there!


  1. I really wanted to leave a comment to say congratulations for the article in Vogue patterns!!! Very nice.

  2. LOL, no thoughts of Christmas here, but I love the cute stockings by the fireplace and those pjs look mighty warm and comfy :D They will love them both!

  3. I do think about the holidays early, and my intentions are always good, but I don't have the best record at follow through! Good on you for making things happen!

    1. Sinister motivations I can get back to sewing stuff for me...bwahaha ;-)

  4. Christmas!!!! Sheesh, I'm not sure we can still be friends Debbie! {{{Kidding}}} I'm so bad...I think about Christmas projects, but always leave everything 'til the last moment! Now that's a crazy lady!

    1. Haha! I'm actually just thinking of myself. I have to do the boring jobs so I can get back to sewing stuff for me!

  5. okay. I MAY HAVE BACKED AWAY SCREAMING FROM MY READER. holy jumped up jehosophat. let's not call you crazy. let's call you SUPER, SUPER ORGANIZED.

    christmas. i think i need a nap. oooooooooo or maybe a spike of the coffee!!!

    1. Alright, I'll admit it... I may have derived some secret pleasure in causing undue angst out uncontrolled screaming at one's reader. But you can relax now because Christmas spirit has now departed ;-)

  6. Can't believe you are prepping for christmas already!!! Cute pjs and stockings though.

  7. Ok I can make you feel non crazy lady, I start my Christmas prep in January. Each year I make a list of everyone whom we need to get presents for and then all year as I see things we either purchase or I make them and they get added to the present box. By the time December comes round all I need to do is wrap and post or pack (we always fly somewhere for Christmas as we are not near family). So yeah um starting now is so not crazy.
    The stockings look wonderful and the pj's are going to be so adorable on the girls. Hope you have a fabulous Christmas in your new home.

    1. Oh you are truly a superstar! So very clever being that organised! I used to have a pressie box in Sydney like that but mine was all random purchases throughout the year, completely unplanned...needless to say, many random gifts were given out in the last six months before we departed Australia, as I cleared out the random pressie box.
