Friday, August 15, 2014

Dressing gown for Miss Six

So after a little bit of wardrobe shuffling in preparation for Autumn, it became apparent that Miss Six needed a new dressing gown. I must have been particularly kind at the time because I promised to make her one, and that she could even choose the fabric herself. I'd seen a good range of novelty fleece at Jo-ann so we headed there together and came home with turquoise butterflies. It's not really my cup of tea, but a shade better than the psychadellic tie dye she locked her eyes on first.


I used B4322 and made it up in a size 7. My only change was to cut a good 4" off the arm length. I should also mention that I ignored the construction details as soon as they started to insist upon slipstitching every inside nook and cranny. Seriously! I'm certainly not averse to a bit of handstitching but you won't catch me handsewing a kid's dressing gown, especially the entire length of the facing in that long collar! The finished robe is long on Miss Six and quite roomy, but not uncomfortably so. She's very happy with it and I'm happy knowing that she will be warm and cosy when the weather eventually cools off. 


  1. So cute! I'd ignore the slip stitching too.

  2. so cute! she looks quite pleased with the robe. i've made many of these robes with minky and lined with flannel--what a chore! next time i'm going with fleece!

    1. Minky and flannel sounds lovely though! But agreed, a chore...;-)

  3. I love the fabric she picked - much better than "psychadellic tie dye" LOL, I couldn't handle staring at that first thing in the am.
    Fleece is so soft and snuggly, however, I really don't enjoy sewing with it.
    My DD needs a new robe too, sigh. I'm sure she would love one as cute as this one! Great job!

    1. Thanks Kristin! I HATE sewing with fleece too. But I think because it was ''only'' a kiddie robe, I let myself off the hook and stopped worrying about ironing, perfect lines, etc, so there was no pressure and it was more enjoyable than I thought it would be.

  4. This is very sweet! And no, I wouldn't be slipstiching a fleece robe, either.
