Monday, August 4, 2014

Butterfly kimono robe

I am desperately in love with kimono jackets at the moment. This is the third one I've made. I used B5409 again. My other versions are here and here. I made the same modifications to the pattern as before, but simply added a contrast panel and straight hemline this time.



The fabric in the body of the kimono is a stunning cotton/silk from Tessuti. I picked it up as a remnant many, many moons ago. Oh how I miss my favourite remnant table in Surry Hills! I used up my last little bit of butterfly silk (seen also here and here) to add a little bit of contrast and weight to the robe. The colours match beautifully.

In my photos, I paired it with my white man-shirt and a very sneaky RTW purchase of high waist flares. I see so many pairs of fabulous jeans out there in blog-land, but I just don't feel motivated to go down that road myself yet. I won't say never though. I never thought I'd sew myself underwear either, but I changed my tune on that a few weeks ago. Proof of my knicker sewing is on Instagram and will remain exclusively there until my six year old develops more arty and discrete photography skills

I actually made this kimono robe as a surprise for somebody special. I won't mention her by name in case she ends up reading this post. I styled the robe as a jacket for outerwear in my photos, but it can also be worn as a featherweight dressing gown, to be slipped over pyjamas on cool Spring mornings (or nights feeding bub). I'll always remember the pretty pair of pyjama pants my best girlfriend gave me after the birth of my peep number three. I love baby clothes as much as the next mum, but it was so nice to be given something beautiful that was just for me. Besides, the thought of sewing a baby onesie right now makes me want to poke needles in my eyes. But let's just go with the first reasoning. It makes me sound so much nicer!


  1. I love your kimono's - this one is s00000 gorgeous - I hope the recipient appreciates it :)

    1. Thank you Sarah! I know she will, it's her colour - she jumped into my thoughts as soon as I started sewing it ;-)

  2. love your kimono, one very lucky girl out there will be delighted I'm sure!

  3. Just beautiful Debbie, gorgeous fabric. I'm still so sad my Tokyo jacket/kimono thingy was a non starter when I realised my piece of ridiculously gorgeous digital border print satin wasn't going to be enough. I so have to try again if I can make something as pretty as yours.

    1. Thanks Jillian! I feel for your pain! It's so disappointing to work out you're short of fabric! A border print satin would be AH - MAZING!

  4. Toooooo freakin cute. I want a Kimono now. Very lovely.

    1. Thanks Melanie, it's almost a crime how easy these things are to make ;-)

  5. Another beautiful make, Debbie! Whoever the lucky recipient is, I know she'll LOVE it!
    On a side note: I love how good you are with using your scraps. I feel like you really get the most out of your fabric. That's something I really need to work on!

    1. Thanks Sallie! I have to say that it's pretty easy for me to use up my scraps when I have three little girls to sew for. I'm expecting it to get a lot harder when they need big clothes and want more say in their options!

  6. That butterfly fabric just keeps giving :) It is so so pretty though. This top looks floaty and wonderful. I love the two patterns together. And those jeans!!! They are awesome! A very worthy sneaky purchase ;-)
    The recipient of the kimono sure is lucky. Great job!

  7. What a gorgeous present - someone is going to be sooo lucky to get that :)
